Bridal Bouquet


Bridal Bouquet

Bridal Bouquet emphasises the Brides personality. Your Bridal bouquet fitting your wedding gown will highlight your beauty. If you plan to through you wedding bouquet away just after the ceremony, order also the small copy of it. Not to be without the wedding flowers the rest of the day. As the Bride and the Bridal bouquet belong together.

Choose your Bridal Bouquet

Bridesmaids bouquets

For your wedding to be a nice experience also for the little children, you should take care of bridesmaid’s bouquets, wedding flowers, bracelets or petal baskets. These are important and should compliment the Brides colour scheme. We can help you to make sure that everything is co-ordinated from the smallest Bridesmaid to the matron of honour.

Wedding Bouquets for Mums

Even Mums should not miss a proper wedding bouquet. Our flowerladies will recommend and help you also here. Fresh wedding flowers ordered just for you from Holland are guaranteed to make every woman happy. And your wedding becomes fabulous and well-smelling experience.


Buttonhole for the Groom, Master of ceremonies,Dads and other guests will be matched to the Bridal bouquet. For your wedding to have a compact impression.